Guiding Principles & Values 


Solar Lantern Cradle to Cradle



In an era where what you can conceive and do is more important than what you know, the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz is cultivating students with an entrepreneurial mindset who can define problems as actionable opportunities to create value-added solutions that account for user-centered perspectives to evaluate impacts

DANM project



Starting with the idea that students learn engineering by doing engineering,  Creative EDG2 prioritizes opportunities for experiential learning which focus students on  “how to learn” rather than “what to know”. Innovations in engineering education inside and beyond the classroom prepare and embrace  authentic, situated problem-solving and design thinking. Students are encouraged to be creative, work like engineers and go through iterative reflection cycles. 

trees for earth



We teach our students that diversity of thought and diversity of disciplines matter while increasing their awareness of our rapidly changing global context. New initiatives prioritize student growth in designing adaptive solutions for global good while prioritizing inter-cultural competency and sensitivity to the social and moral impacts of engineering design.